Power Layout Scrapbooking Class

Power Layout Technique Invitation


I have been asked to teach the Power Layout Technique this summer and I’d like to invite you to join us.

What is a Power Layout?

A power layout is an assembly line process to help scrapbookers plan an entire album. Following a sequence of steps, your next scrapbook album can be organized by incorporating photos, memorabilia, and scrapbooking supplies for each layout from start to finish. Having your album planned really speeds up your page completion when you sit down to scrapbook.

Why do a Power Layout?

Power layouts will help you maximize your time scrapbooking because you have what you need to do each layout already thought out. You’ll be amazed at how many pages you can complete.

Prepare for a weekend retreat or day crop. You don’t have to pack all your scrapbooking supplies when you have already prepared a Power Layout. A few simple tools and your Power Layout Box and you’re set.

You will have all the photos and memorabilia already organized, so you will be less likely to have to enter additional layouts based on photos found afterwards once your book is done.

When is the class?

The Power Layout Class will be on zoom, Monday, July 31st from 6pm ET to 9pm ET. During this time, you will prepare as many layouts as you have space and photos for.

The cost to join the July 31st Zoom, and receive all the pre-event correspondence, is $20.00 plus HST.

What is included in the $20 + HST registration fee?

If you choose to join us for the Power Layout Technique, I will be sending you a list of four things to do to prepare for the class. You have to commit to having these done BEFORE the class on July 31.

You will also receive a list of supplies you may want to have on hand to make your power layout more successful.

During the 3-hour Zoom call from 6pm to 9pm ET on Monday, July 31st, you will actually be doing a power layout as I walk you through the steps and answer your questions along the way.

As a follow up, I will provide all participants with a pack list for a day crop/weekend retreat so you don’t over pack.

If you would like to participate, please let me know by replying to this email. The first ten people to respond to this email will receive an invoice for $20 plus HST. Your registration will be confirmed once I have received your invoice payment.

I will create a wait list if more than ten people want to participate. I will plan a second zoom call later in the summer if there is enough interest.

If you have questions, just ask me:) If you want to participate, reply to this email:)

Scrap happy,

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