blogplain3Artboard 19

Try Something New From Scraphappymaria


You might not be familiar with SIW (Scrap-In Weekend), so I wanted to tell you a little about it. This will allow you to make an informed decision about coming or not. I’m working on the goodie bags today for this upcoming virtual weekend event, and I don’t want you to miss the Early Bird Registration that ends tomorrow.

SIW is an online crop. We use the ZOOM platform to all log in to the same “room”. You don’t leave your home, you come to the event “virtually”. Naturally, this means that you need home internet and a device to use, like a laptop, computer, tablet or cell phone. You don’t need a Zoom account; I will send you a link via email, and when you click the link, Zoom will open and you will be at the event.

The beautiful thing about “scrapzooming” (scrapbooking on Zoom) is that you can come and go as you wish by closing down your connection or turning off your video (so we can’t see you) and microphone (so we can’t hear you). When you turn off your speakers on your device, that mutes us, so you can’t hear us. This allows people to come and go throughout the weekend whenever they want. You can always click the link in your email to get back into the room.

As a guest, you will receive an agenda so you will know when things are happening. The weekend starts Friday morning however you may have commitments that will prevent you from coming during the day. That’s okay, join us when you can! We will be gathering on Zoom at 9:30 am, 2pm and 7pm on both the Friday and the Saturday of SIW to do group projects. Other times are open for you to work on your own scrapbook.

The goodie bag included with your registration will contain $100 in products and the cost to register for SIW at the Early Bird rate is $95.00. One can see how advantageous it is to register, even if you don’t scrapzoom! Who doesn’t want $100 in product for $95? Guests who register during the Early Bird period will receive their goodie bag a few days before the event starts. After the Early Bird period closes, the registration fee increases to $120 and goodie bags may not arrive in time for the event. Registrations must be received by February 21, 2022.

In addition to a robust goodie bag, other benefits of coming to SIW are door prizes and fun ways to earn Door Prize Tickets (DPTs) throughout the weekend. Orders placed during the month of February (up until Feb 25) will also earn guests DPTs at TWICE the rate!!! Your goodie bag will contain instructions and supply lists to complete five layouts and several cards. Some of these we do together as a group, others you can do independently. It’s always fun to pick up tips and ideas from others, and you are sure to enjoy the Show and Tell each evening when people share their favourite creation from the day! Participation is voluntary, of course! You will also get a few little treats in your goodie bag – just one more benefit of coming 🙂

Scrapbooking during COVID has had it’s challenges but I must confess that having Zoom has really helped us to stay connected, share ideas, visit “face-to-face” albeit in different places, complete pages, and not feel so isolated. You won’t forget anything when you scrapzoom, and the packing and clean up are so much easier! Not to mention, you get to sleep in your own bed and eat your own food! I have also streamlined the ordering system over the past two years to allow those who wish to purchase supplies. It is fascinating what we can do when we maximize the internet. We can all watch the same video together, and I can use a camera to showcase how to do layouts up close! A final note about virtual events – anyone from anywhere can come! If you and your sister from British Columbia want to spend the weekend together, you can do it on Zoom. I can set up a breakout room for just the two of you to scrapbook together when we aren’t crafting as a group. If we get inclement weather, that makes staying home to scrapbook even more appealing!

If you aren’t familiar with zoom, I am happy to set aside some time to help you become comfortable with it. It only requires about 15 minutes with us both in front of our computers.

I hope you will consider joining us for Scrap-In Weekend. Here are some details…

Dates: Friday, February 25, 2022 – Zoom room opens at 9am through Sunday, February 27, 2022 – door prize draws start at 3pm

Cost: Early Bird rate $95. Early Bird closes tomorrow (Friday, February 4th at midnight).
         Regular registration fee is $120.00. Registration closes February 21, 2022.

You can register here. Please send your EFT (e-transfer) payment to [email protected]. If you don’t have online banking or the ability to do e-transfers, please let me know.

I will attach a flyer with additional event details in case you are interested. You can always contact me for more info. I would love for you to join us. Remember, the goodie bag is worth $100 and the registration fee is only $95 if you register today or tomorrow.

Don’t let the lack of in-person events stop you from scrapbooking from the comfort of your own home – with others online!!!

It’s an experience most enjoy; please give it a try!

I hope to see you soon.
Stay safe!

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